"Damdami Taksal, Bhindranwale Jatha was not
started by any pretender, it was started by the 10th Master Saahib Sree Guroo Gobind Singh Jee." - Sant Giaanee Jarnail
Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindranwale
Sree Guroo Gobind Singh Saahib Jee (the 10th Sikh Guroo)
founded Damdamee Taksaal as an educational institution in 1704. Guroo Jee taught 48 Singhs the Arth (meanings) of Gurbaanee
and the correct pronunciations of the Gurmukhee language.
Damdamee Taksaal has had an
unbroken line of Jathaedaars since it began. The current Jathaedaar is Sant Giaanee Jarnail Singh Jee Khaalsaa Bhindraanwaale,
who is the 14th Jathaedaar. In the unforseen circumstances Sant Jarnail Singh Jee has placed Baabaa Thaakur Singh
Jee as the acting Jathaedaar in his absence.
Taksaal has been influencial
and has given many Sikhs the opportunity to learn Gurbaanee and take Amrit. Therefore, becoming true Gursikhs. There are many
places all over the world that have Kathaakaarans and Santhiyaa classes.
In England there are:
Bhaaee Amreek Singh Jee,
teaching in Guroo Naanak Gurdwaaraa, Stratford Road. Birmingham.
Bhaaee Baldeep Singh Jee,
teaching in Guroo Naanak Gurdwaaraa, High Street. Smethwick.
Bhaaee Sukhraaj Singh
Jee, teaching in Sikh Temple Gurdwaaraa, Chapeltown
Road. Leeds.
Amrit Parchaar Dharmik Deevaan Gurdwaaraa, Harris
Street. Bradford.